Many service groups are provided in particular dioceses/cities/states - This section provides resources that are location-independent, or ones that allow you to search within your state. Please search for catholic social action groups in your area - because there are many good Catholics doing amazing things!
Crisis Services
Dial 211 for Essential Community Services
Welfare benefits or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Catholic Charities - Emergency Assistance
Get help paying rent and bills
Catechism of the Catholic Church - The complete teachings of the Catholic Church online
Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops Website - A wealth of information, from daily mass readings, to access to the catechism, to news, etc. Nice resource
EWTN - Great all-around resource, faithful to the magisterium - get the mass readings, listen to Catholic radio or TV online, find other resources.
Catholic Answers - I absolutely LOVE Catholic Answers! They are my first go-to, whenever I have a question about the faith, or get challenged with something that I don't know how to respond to!
Catholics who Care (Facebook Group) - Dedicated to performing small actions to end the problems in today's church, in the pursuit of personal holiness.
Priests for Life - Working to end abortion
Jobs for Catholics - Linking Catholic Employers/Employees
WINE - Women In the New Evangelization - Empowering women to work within their God-given gifts as women to nurture, heal and build up the body of Christ.
St. Paul Street Evangelization - Helping people to share the Catholic Faith
Catholic World Report - free online Magazine from Ignatius Press, from a faithfully Catholic perspective.
Humanae Vitae - Pope Paul VI's encyclical on the Catholic teaching regarding contraception and the purpose of married love
Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena - a "conversation" between St. Catherine and God the Father. - (not easy reading)
Rachel's Vineyard - helping post-abortive women heal
Grief 2 Grace - Retreats designed for victims of sexual abuse, created by the founders of Rachel's Vineyard
Retrouvaille - Retreats for healing marriages in crisis.