Bible Text: Matthew 23:12 | speaker: Fr. Don Calloway
speaker: Dr. Brant Pitre
speaker: Dr. Tim Gray | Talking about being "religious" versus "spiritual" --- what are the implications?
speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz | How to share God's love and good news in our daily lives.
speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz | Great talk on the idols we form in our daily lives, so we can re-focus on God.
speaker: Jordan Peterson
speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz | A talk on joy and happiness - "... so that your joy may be complete."
speaker: Bishop Robert Barron | "Why the new atheists are right". Having the right understanding of God.
speaker: Trent Horn | Trent Horn delivered this talk, “The Easiest Way to Defend your Faith”, at the 2021 Defending the Faith Steubenville Conference.
speaker: Dr. Edward Sri | Discipleship in the desert.