Explaining The Faith
Explaining the Faith is a series that will cover Church teaching about the relevant aspects of our faith. If you haven’t been through an RCIA course, or even if you want to gain a deeper understanding of both Church Teaching and/or relevant issues of today and what the Church’s position on those issues might be, then work your way through this series with Fr. Chris Alar! I never get tired of this, and there’s a new episode every week!

Holy Face Devotion: Perfect Reparation - Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

The 1st Ever Devotion to Mary: Our Lady Help of Christians - Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

Limbo? Unbaptized in Heaven? Answer: Holy Innocents - Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

Can Women be Deacons? Who are Deacons and who was St. Stephen? Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

The Amazing Story of Mary, the "Star of the Sea" Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar

How To Save Your Family: The Importance of Family Consecration - Explaining the Faith Fr. Chris Alar

Moses and Jesus: The Meaning of the 10 Plagues - Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

Our Lady of Good Remedy: Fix Your Problems - Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC

Summary of the Bible & How to Read It - Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar

Mary's 10 Virtues in the Bible: You Will Get to Heaven! Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

St. Philomena: The Only Saint to Ever Have This! Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC

Our Lady of Czestochowa & the Black Madonnas: Miraculous! Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

Is SSPX in Schism? Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

Most Important Virtues to Get to Heaven - Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

Brown Scapular: Mt. Carmel & Fatima - Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar