speaker: Dr. Brant Pitre
speaker: Fr. Don Calloway | Origins of the rosary
speaker: Fr. Mitch Pacwa
speaker: Patrick Madrid | In this Deep in History lecture, Patrick Madrid addresses a common question regarding Scripture- with thousands of different perspectives on the Bible, whose should be trusted?…
speaker: Dr. Brant Pitre
speaker: Fr. Benedict Groeschel | Fr. Benedict Groeschel discusses the uniting factor among all Christians - devotion to Jesus Christ - and describes the need for authentic holiness. Fr. Groeschel…
speaker: Dr. Brant Pitre | In a talk from The Coming Home Network's 2009 Deep in History conference, Scripture scholar Dr. Brant Pitre looks at the history of Jewish Temple…
speaker: Bishop Frederick Campbell | Bishop Frederick Campbell (PhD in history from The Ohio State University) discusses the Catholic response to the corruption in the Catholic Church as it emerged…
speaker: Dr. Kenneth Howell | Dr. Kenneth Howell, former Presbyterian pastor, university professor, and author, gives an understanding of John Calvin and the part he played in the Reformation. Calvin,…
speaker: Msgr. Frank Lane | Msgr. Frank Lane uses early Christian documents and historical context to understand how the first Christians interpreted Scripture. “If in fact Jesus Christ was truly…