Author Archive: admin

 My latest book has been released…. and i got the follwing review, which was really nice: Review Rating: 5 Stars – Congratulations on your 5-star review!Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite Immerse yourself in the story of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, from a perspective few have seen before. In A Mother’s Walk […]

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Good articles explaininng Church teaching.

 for “no salvation outside the Catholic Church”… that is still the teaching of the Church….… missing mass is STILL a mortal sin (against the 3rd commandment of keeping holy the sabbath)…the eating meat is not the mortal sin, but rather the disobeience to the church. and we are STILL under the obligation to do penance […]

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Women Priests….

I address this in my upcoming book, but I just wanted to make a quick mention here… Women priests goes against Christ.  It’s that simple.  Jesus was a man. The priest acts “in persona Christi”… (in the person of Christ).  No offense to the transgender community, but…. yeah… not happening.  It really is okay to […]

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The End Times

 I have been incredibly busy, finally finishing up a book on the end times.   Going through numerous prophecies, the lives and writings of various mystics and seers, countless books, pamphlets, websites, biographies….   this has been an exhausting endeavor.  I’m glad to be at the point that I  can start seeing the light at the end […]

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Following the leader.

 Obviously “blogging” is not my forte.   I tend to be so busy with so many things, that I simply forget about the blog.  Updating the website, doing the bible in a year on the discord server,  maintaining the discord chat room, and a thousand other things….  but it’s all part of the plan, i suppose. […]

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What you do **MATTERS**

Every action we take, every decision, makes a profound difference to the entire world. We think we can do anything we want, because “it really doesn’t make a difference”.  We rationalize away our sins this way saying “it doesn’t really hurt anyone”…   but is that really true? One of my favorite movies is “It’s a […]

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Keeping Faith

 Sometimes it’s a little tough to maintain your faith.   Bad things happen, right?  But where is it written that because we follow Christ we’re supposed to have things easy?   If I recall correctly, Jesus said “If the world hates you, remember it hated me first…”   He also said “pick up your cross DAILY and follow […]

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Joy in the midst of trials.

 These past couple of years have been sort of insane — we’ve dealt with covid and lockdowns, we’re dealing with runaway inflation, and it just seems life is becoming so much more difficult, right? In the past couple of years I’ve been focusing on self-development, have become a certified coach, and worked on my own […]

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Crisis in the Church.

Well, here we are again. People are shocked, lives are shattered, shepherds have shown themselves to be untrustworthy.  We ask ourselves, “Are we not doing things right?” – “I thought we fixed this”….  “We have rules and procedures to prevent these things now”.   I submit to you that this is not a procedural problem, but […]

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